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Neck Pain

Tech neck is leading to the need for treatment of neck pain in younger people
Tech neck is leading to the need for treatment of neck pain in younger people 615 380 Best Practice Health TV

As a practicing pain management physician Dr. Ann Cherie Foxx is used to seeing arthritis in older people. But lately, she’s been seeing something new: neck pain is young adults…

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How to tell when neck pain is serious
How to tell when neck pain is serious 1024 535 Best Practice Health TV

As an emergency room nurse Christina knew right away what was happening; that didn’t make it hurt any less. “I could not sleep. I could not position myself at night…

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When should I get an MRI of my neck
When should I get an MRI of my neck 1024 640 Best Practice Health TV

When should I get an MRI of my neck? It depends on whether you have arthritis, a torn or herniated disc, or cervical stenosis. MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) plays an…

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