What to Expect Before and After Hip Surgery

The decision to undergo surgery is a significant one. At Phoenix Spine & Joint we believe that patient education is an incredibly important part of the treatment journey, and we want to ensure that the people who come to us for relief are confident in the decision they’ve made.

Along with the procedure itself, the pre- and postoperative recovery phase of hip surgery can have a significant impact on achieving a positive outcome. One reason why it is so essential for patients to understand these two phases in particular is because it allows them to take an active role.

By learning what to expect before and after hip surgery, you can be more confident and engaged as you take this important step in your care.

Preparing for minimally invasive hip surgery

Patients most commonly undergo hip surgery for arthritis, but other causes include hip fracture and bone tumors. Not everyone with severe hip pain can be a candidate for a procedure due to risk factors such as hip infections and obesity. In addition, smoking increases the risk of pneumonia with surgery and lowers the chance of a positive outcome. If any of these factors apply to you, you must work with your doctor to address them before becoming a surgical candidate.

If you’ve been told you need hip surgery, our caring team at Phoenix Spine & Joint will review your condition and diagnostic imagery to determine if you’re a good candidate for one of our procedures. Before undergoing surgery, it is critical to follow all preoperative instructions closely, including:

  1. Stop any medications you were instructed to stop using
  2. Arrange for a care partner to help you after the procedure
  3. Make preparations around the house for the recovery phase

When patients arrive at our state-of-the-art center, they can expect a streamlined experience that combines evaluation, testing and surgery in an environment that puts you at the center of the experience. Our caring and dedicated staff will walk you through all of the necessary appointments and screenings during your preoperative period.

Postoperative care for a positive hip surgery outcome

The recovery process from our minimally invasive hip surgery typically takes up to six weeks or longer. Since we perform our procedures on an outpatient basis, most people are walking with the help of a walker just a couple of hours after surgery and can go home that day, avoiding the need, and associated risks and costs, of a hospital stay.

During your recovery, your rehabilitation team will provide instruction regarding movement and exercises that can help promote healing. The goal is to increase blood flow, develop strength and show you how to safely walk with the assistance of a device such as a cane or a walker.

At Phoenix Spine & Joint, we’re dedicated to giving you the treatment information you deserve to make an informed choice about your care. Contact us today to talk to one of our patient care coordinators and receive a free second opinion.


We’re committed to solving your knee pain problems with the least invasive treatment possible.


We use the robot on every knee surgery, which means a personalized implant selection that results in a better outcome.


We utilize the only implant that’s approved to last for 30 years.


No hospital stay means a much lower risk of infection.


Partial knee replacements are half the surgery and recovery time of a total knee.