Recovery time after hip replacement surgery depends on how it’s done
Recovery time after hip replacement surgery depends on how it’s done https://bestpracticehealth.tv/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/recovery-time-banner.png 1024 535 Best Practice Health TV Best Practice Health TV https://bestpracticehealth.tv/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/recovery-time-banner.pngHave you ever noticed how when celebrities or heads of state have total hip replacement the surgeon always seems to use a robotic assistant? You saw it a couple of weeks ago in the footage of Kris Jenner’s surgery. There is a reason for that.
Rich people don’t like to suffer. You probably don’t, either; no matter how much money you have. Celebrities need to get better fast, as well, so they can get back to earning those big bucks. Again, most of us need to work, too.
Your mother’s hip replacement surgery used the legacy posterior approach. It’s so painful they had to admit you to the hospital and shoot you up with narcotics to control the pain. So much damage was done to muscle that studies showed almost a year of therapy and two years of healing was necessary to get back to full strength.
Fortunately, things have changed. The surgeons are better trained and do minimally the minimally invasive anterior, direct superior or superPATH approaches. And of course, the technology is much better. Which begs the question: how long does it take to recover from hip replacement surgery today?

Hip pain is the reason you have hip replacement surgery. So, it makes sense to me that you’ve recovered from surgery when you stop having hip pain. I’ve shown you our numbers before. Most of our patients (82%) report little or no pain by 6 weeks, and the vast majority (90%) by 12 weeks. The large majority don’t even take narcotics after surgery anymore; their pain is well controlled on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You’ve also heard me brag that NONE (0%) of our patients typically report severe pain after 12 weeks. Like I said, this isn’t your mother’s hip replacement surgery.
The thing is you can’t expect these results with legacy surgeon. The use of a robotic assistant is proven to make orthopedic surgeons 400% more accurate. And reduce the incidence of complications like dislocation. Your doctor uses the robot, right? Probably not.

In addition, we’ve known for 20 years that higher volume hip replacement surgeons have lower complications. Much lower; like half as many infections, dislocations, nerves damaged, and even deaths. So, you’d be crazy to go to a low volume surgeon, right? Well, most of you do.

Stop the madness, folks. Please. One call and we can make sure you get a top gun surgeon in your network who checks all the boxes. The call is free.
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