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Pg – meniscectomy and meniscal tear repair

Total knee replacement after a torn meniscus: what you should know
Total knee replacement after a torn meniscus: what you should know 1024 535 Best Practice Health TV

By Grace Lieberman A torn meniscus is one of the most common knee injuries. The meniscus cartilage in your knee acts as a shock absorber between your shin and thigh…

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Arthroscopic meniscal tear repair may not be enough: When a meniscal tear actually means total knee replacement.
Arthroscopic meniscal tear repair may not be enough: When a meniscal tear actually means total knee replacement. 1024 535 Best Practice Health TV

From our YouTube channel visitor: “I tore my medial collateral ligament and medial meniscus. I had the steroid injection which lasted about a month. I then had three injections of…

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Doctor recommended treatment of a torn meniscus
Doctor recommended treatment of a torn meniscus 660 440 Best Practice Health TV

The NBA season is barely underway and one of my favorite players is already out with a torn meniscus. The Phoenix Suns forward Cam Johnson tore his meniscus on a…

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